Wednesday 30 October 2013

Problems That Occurred When Filming

When filming on various days and locations, the time constraints added pressure to filming, however even though we managed to stick to filming deadlines, working with Rosa-Leigh there were several incidents of laughing and messing around. This hindered the amount of footage shot in a specific time frame, however whilst having fun on set we also managed to stick to the plan and shoot the video. Even though the distractions meant we were not as focused as we could have been, we feel we got the balance between work and having fun right, meaning that not only was the video enjoyable to film, we managed to get everything done. 

When filming the attic and garden shots, towards the end of the day the camera stopped working. We weren't sure of the reason for its malfunction as the camera had only been recently charged; therefore that eliminated the possibility of the battery having run low. The camera itself had never done anything like that before, therefore it was unusual, and because the screen and settings were still visible, we decided it was more likely the SD card that was faulty. We took the one containing the footage out and swapped it for Holly's camera SD card, and found that we could commence filming. When George got home he found the footage was lost, and after a few hours of trying to regain it back, he managed to restore everything on the SD card. The problem only occurred because it was full. 

After viewing the attic shots on the iMac we decided they needed re-shooting as the lighting wasn't right, causing the footage to be slightly blurred and fuzzy. We re-shot the attic shots using and extra lamp, and found the results were much better. 

When filming at Rosa-Leigh's house in her garden, when in the process of filming, her pet Cat entered the shot, causing all of us to be distracted, as well as ruining what we had filmed. Because the cat was adamant about staying we thought about incorporating the cat, adding more of the 'home-made' style to the video; however, after watching the footage we are not likely to include it. 

When creating the shot with bubbles, we were using a hand-held bubble wand, which unfortunately was broken when George stood on it accidentally. Luckily only the handle was broken and it was still able to be used, however when we were almost ready to film our last shot, the bubble wand became disconnected from the handle, meaning we could not remove the wand from the container. To fix the problem we had to pour the bubbles out into a jug to get the wand out. We were then able to film. 

The weather on the day of filming was slightly rainy, meaning the grass was wet. This made it difficult to obtain to shot of Rosa-Leigh lying on the grass. To overcome this, we laid down a blanket so only her head was touching the ground. Also, it was too bright for her to look straight at the camera, so we had to use an umbrella to block out some of the light, allowing Rosa-Leigh to keep her eyes open for the shot. 

Friday 25 October 2013

Feedback for Digipak and Advert

I was given 9/10 for the design and draft of my digipak by Mr Ford, and the feedback he gave me was to change the volume button as it was too distinctive as being Apple's. This links to verbal feedback he also gave me a few days before the deadline, in which he said I could ether remove it or attempt to create my own. Verbally, he also mentioned changing the size of the text on the back cover, so the first and last track names weren't too close to the edges of the panel.
To accomdate this feedback I have changed the front cover so that the volume button is no longer included. I understand how it was recognisible as Apple's, and therefore not suitable to use on my final digipak and have attempted to create a professional album cover using only the background photo, text and the blue sticker effect. To create a plain background instead of the volume button image, I have used the same photo on the front as is included on the back. This means the back and front cover are essentially the same, just including different styles of text.
Magazine Advert:
I also got 9/10 on the magazine advert; just like the digipak , Mr Ford felt the volume button was the problem. However, after looking at my advert again, I also felt that the volume button was too large and distorted due to the blurred effect created by stretching the image. When developing ideas for changing the volume button on my magazine advert, I sought advice from George as we both knew eachothers ideas and felt we could help one another. He suggested that I include more star ratings, to not only break the magazine advert up a little and create more room, but to also give Rosa-Leigh more credibility and make her an even more esteemed artist.
When deciding on how the change my magazine advert I knew I had to remove the volume button, therefore decided also to use the image above on the advert, as a background. I then knew I needed to change the layout to compensate for the gained space within the layout. Because the image ties the digipak and advert together, without the volume button I also decided to play around with an added link; the swirl featured on the inside of the digipak.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

4 Panel Digipak Draft

Draft Album Cover

Designing The Album Cover

I Started With a template for a 4 panel digipak. 

I then placed the image of a flower that i wanted onto the template and resized it to the size of the box without distorting the image. 

I then changed the exposure to give it a more vintage looking effect.

I then typed out the title of the album , 'A Beautiful Life', and arranged the text at the bottom left of the image. 

Designing The Back Cover And Spine

Back Cover:

I first started off with a template of a template of a 4 Panel Digipak.

I then added the image i wanted onto the template and cropped it to the size of the box without distorting the image. 

After that i started to add the track names to the back cover.

I then added a par code to the back cover.

Then put on the record labels logo

and their copy right infringement.


I Started off with the template for a 4 panel digipak spine.

Then added the image i wanted to go onto the spine.

Placed the record labels logo one the bottom of the spine

And lastly added the name of the album and the artists name.

After I had made the Back Cover & the Spine I changed the exposure of them both to make them look vintage. 

Exposure Settings: 

Photos I Took For The Draft Digipak

I have used some of these pictures when designing my draft digipak. They were used for the front cover, back cover, spine, inside left and inside right.