Monday 25 November 2013

Initial Feedback on our Music Video

We asked 25 people in our age group to fill in our short questionnaire about our draft music videos. We gave them the option of giving us feedback for the first and second draft to get a wide range of opinions and feedback. The majority of people surveyed liked our video and recognised the effort that went into producing the video, however, there were a few people who weren't part of the genre that the music video was aimed at, therefore, they didn't like the video as much.

We got lots of positive feedback about several elements of the video including the use of nature, the styling of the artist, the use of bubbles, the happy atmosphere of the video and the different effects. We acknowledge that not everyone shared these opinions however the general consensus was that these elements worked well in the video.

Comments such as "Maybe less outfit changes" have been accounted for in our research and planning as that is the style of music video we chose to create, the majority of people found her styling was interesting and visually exciting. "The mirror shots don't work" was another comment used by a few people and we feel justified in using those effects as it creates a psychedelic feel that matches the song.

The audience noticed backgrounds that we wished to change, showing that the improvements made in our second draft were necessary and suited the video. We feel it is important to gain feedback from our target audience in order to see what effect our video has on them and to gage whether or not our video is successful.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Music video - Second Draft

We have changed the shots that we planned to in order to create this draft and we are happy with the outcome. We managed to get the filming we needed done, and the weather stayed sunny and dry. We spent a few hours editing and ensuring the shots were in time with the music.

Friday 15 November 2013


Today we re-filmed several shots within our music video and found that we could film them all within the same location, just in different positions. We filmed at Rosa-Leigh's house, in her front, side and back garden, using carefully selected framing and mise en scene to ensure there was nothing in the shots that would compromise the quality of the video. The weather, even though cold, stayed dry and sunny, therefore we were able to shoot. Because of the cold however we had to increase the pace of filming and try to film in as few takes as possible, because Rosa-Leigh was cold due to having to wear summery outfits. 

We managed to film all of the shots that we decided to re-shoot and we believe we have captured them and they adhere to the quality and theme of our music video. 

We plan to edit at the beginning of next week, so if further improvements to either editing or production are needed, we have over a week to complete them. 

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Filming Schedule (2)

As we feel it is important to plan when and where we are filming our video, we have created another Filming Schedule for the re-shoots we have to film. We have chosen locations that co-inside with the theme of our video, however we are aware that if they don't look good on camera, we can use various other locations to achieve the same effect. It is important we do not choose a location with 'suburban' mise en scene, such as the fence that was included in our first draft. 

We have looked at the weather forecast as we understand that because it is winter our opportunities to film may be limited and we have decided to film on Friday because the forecast is sunny from 9:00-2:00. We plan to use periods 2, 3 and 4 to film, however we have also planned for it running into lunch if it rains or is too cloudy to film. 

Friday 15th November: 

  • 2 x Shots in Rosa-Leigh's side garden 
  • 3 x Shots in exterior locations, possibly a different position in Rosa-Leigh's garden, replacing the attic shots 
  • Re-shoot the replacement shot to her lying down, as bikes feature in the background 
  • 2 x Shots in another location, possibly George's garden
We will ensure that several outfits are brought to the shoot, and when filming at Rosa-Leigh's house we can style her easily. 

Tuesday 12 November 2013

How to improve our music video

This screenshot has been taken from the mark scheme and will help us to distinguish what we need to do in order to make our video a level 4.
We are currently at a high level 3/ low level 4 and we wish to push our grade up even futher to get the highest mark possible.
Based on Mr Ford's feedback we know what we have to change, and we can judge that feedback against the mark scheme to see which aspects need improving.
We think we have achieved holding a shot steady where approprite as we used a tripod for the shots we knew needed to be steady, and then panning for the more up-beat nature shots.
However, we need to improve framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate. Several shots need improving because of things that appeared on the camera that we were not aware of when filming, such as a changing of set in the attic shots, and concrete blocks in the shots where a fence in used; this also reflected in the feedback we recieved.
This then links to selecting mise en scene, including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting as the attic shots and shots that included a fence are not up to the high standard we wish to achieve. In order to achieve higher marks we will re-shoot this footage with more suitable location and setting within the scene. We plan to film the attic shots in an exterior location to match the rest of the video, and we will ensure there are no fences that occur within our framing of the scene. We plan to change a few outits also to accomodate for the cold weather, however the fabrics will still look summery to tie in with our genre and theme of video.
When creating our final version we will ensure that sounds with images and editing is appropriate for the task. We will ensure that the lip syncing is perfect and there is no delay or increased speed of singing to make our video look professional and to make it a level 4. 

Feedback for our First Draft

We have been given feedback from Mr Ford for our first draft music video, and we have recieved a top level 3/ low level 4. Based on this feedback we plan to change several shots.

  • We will film the three interior shots outside as we agreed that it didn't flow with the rest of the video. We plan to use similar locations as previously used, such as Ellie's garden, the pavillion and Holly's garden.
  • We will also change the shot where Ellie is laying down on the ground, as we all agree the angle is off and not as neat as the rest of the shots. Luckily, when filming on the day we agreed to film that same shot in a different way, so we have footage of Ellie standing up and singing in her garden.
  • We will reshoot the shots that use a fence in the background. In total this is three seperate shots, two where she is sat in front of it and one close up shot. We can also refilm these in the same locations as mentioned above as they worked before and look good in the video.
We plan to refilm these either this week or next, as this will then allow plenty of time for further reshoots and editing, as well as creating a second draft to recieve final feedback on.

Saturday 9 November 2013

New Digipack

Digipack Feedback

The text of the songs on the back cover were too close to the top of the album and needed bringing down more so they were centred, also on the back cover the Copy Right Infringement needed to be more subtle and moved further over to the right, the barcode also needed to be moved further over to the right and the Island Records Logo needed to be moved further over to the left.

The Catalogue Number needed to be added to the spine of the album and the Island Records Logo needed to be rotated 90 degrees to the left. 

On the front cover the artists name 'Rosa-Leigh' needed to be added.

The writing behind the disk insert needed to be more centred and lowered because it was also to close to the top.

The inside left needed to be more interesting rather than just a picture of Rosa-Leighs face.

There also needed to be less flower images because they didn't match to well and you couldn't  tell that the album belonged to 'Rosa-Leigh'.

New Magazine Advert

Magazine Advert Feedback

The Feedback that I received on my poster was that the '' Needed to be the same font as the other text i have used on the poster because it looked out of place and its also linked to Rosa Leigh so it would be best to have the same font to link them together.

The other feedback was that I haven't added what its available on such as CD, Vinyl or Download so i needed to add them to the poster so that the target market know where they can buy Rosa Leigh's music from.

Friday 8 November 2013

Further development of my Digipak

I have developed the conventions of these Digipaks by using the same image on my front and back cover. These examples of artwork demonstrate the idea that a photo can be used on more than one panel, to create a patterend digipak that is eye catching and professional.

This digipak has used a certain image on the front, and then a magnified section of that image has been used on the back. This, although slightly different to mine, shows the same idea that an image, regardless of which section, can be used on both the front and back of the artwork.

The same circular pattern has been used on the front and back of this digipak to create a fun and eye-catching pattern.

The same image has been used on the inside of this digipak; the image has been reversed on one side, so they mirror each other. This is a subtle change to the design, yet the same image remains.

This (the front and back cover of the inside panels above) also shows the same image on both panels, however it has been stretched to create a panorama effect. The same colors, pattern and scene, like created on my digipak. 

The exact same pattern has been used on both panels, and this creates a bold and exciting digipak. 

 This is an inside booklet that uses a similar pattern throughout its pages, and demonstrates the idea I had to use the same image and theme throughout all of my products.  

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Further changes to Magazine Advert

It was suggested to me to adhere to the rule of thirds; something which I had previously thought about but not made clear within my work. This screen grab shows the page divided into 15 large squares from the top of the page to the bottom, therefore each third is 5 squares high. I have ensured 'Rosa-Leigh, A Beautiful Life' remains within the top third, the spiral and 'new album in the middle' and the remainder within the last third. 

I feel it separates the page up nicely, giving everything it's own space, meaning the page is not crowded. The spaces are roughly equal and everything centred, therefore I feel that adhering to the rule of thirds has improved the layout and overall image of my magazine advert, even if it is only a slight change in movement. 

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Evaluation of our progress

We have made the first draft of our music video and so far we are happy with it. There are only a few shots we are not entirely happy about and we plan to shoot these again, as well as other shots that the feedback indicates we need changing.

We are unhappy with the attic shots as we do not feel it ties in with the theme of our video, therefore we plan to shoot those in an exterior location, similar to the ones also used in our video. After already re-shooting the attic shots once due to incsuffiecient light, we thought these were more imporved and appropraite to use, however when watching them with the rest of the footage, we can see it doesn't look right and doesn't portray the ideas we had for the video. We plan to keep the same outfit for the refilm as we really like the burgandy dress that Rosa-Leigh wears.
We may consider re-shooting the fuzzy & blurred nature shots that we used to create a homemade, vintage effect, to see if they make the video look like a better quality.

When editing the footage we found no major problems arose, and we were able to successfully create our draft before the deadline. Because the footage was on George's iMac we could not edit the footage in school, so we used free periods and after school time to create our video, whilst working on our Digipak's and blogs at school. We found this was actually a good thing as even though we could only edit at home, we managed to get everything else done, and finish the video with days to spare. Editing the video, although fun, was stressful at times because shots we had taken did not look good at first, but with editing and transitions, cutting at appropriate times and coordinating it with the music, we managed to make it work.
We both think that working as a team on this project so far has been beneficial, as the work load has been shared, and time has been spent together editing and working on our joint blog.

Monday 4 November 2013

Changes to Digipak and Advert

After evaluating the feedback from Mr Ford, I made appropriate changes to my designs. I have amended only the front and back covers to ensure that they look professional and neat. I have changed the image on the front cover and have removed the volume button, as Mr Ford advised this. I have also made the font smaller on the back cover, so it's not as close to the sides of the digipak. I have done this so the layout is more effective and the words can be easily read without fear of bending or being cut off in production.
I also removed the volume sign from my magazine advert, as Mr Ford advised I should. I definitely prefer the new design, as looking back on my old advert I can see that the volume button does not fit in and is too large for the page. The largness of the image is down to the image being stretched and it therefore looked distorted. Instead I have used the swirl featured on the inside of the album digipak, and I think this looks much better. I have included two star ratings instead of the one, and I have altered the sixing of the text to make them easier to read.