Tuesday 10 September 2013

Audience Profile

We are targeting Rosa-Leighs music towards teenagers that are developing their music tastes in various genres, and are not afraid of listening to new music that might not be popular at the time. They are creative people who are seeking to define themselves using the medium of music, fashion and photography, as well as develop a passion for independent artists, rather than a collective genre; they like variety. 

Indie Scenesters 

  • Dedicated to finding new music 
  • Broadened music tastes
  • Having their own music tastes
  • Fans of Youth Lagoon 
  • Unisex

According to UK tribes, our target audience already has interests in our chosen artist "Youth Lagoon" as the music appeals to their genre of style. 

Young Alts

  • Open-Minded 
  • Non-Judgemental
  • Immerse themselves in different styles of media 
  • Individuality
Our artist, Rosa-Leigh will also appeal to our target audience, as her down-to-earth, quirky behaviour is something different from the average female pop star. She really cares about her music, just like the fans do. Her music is different from other things out there, meaning the unusual vibe, lyrics and beat will attract the curiosity of the viewers, quenching their desire to listen to new and unconventional music. People who aren't afraid to develop their music tastes will enjoy the unusual nature of her music, as well as her quirky style. Her outfits and make up will be based on what regular teenagers wear, brands mentioned in both Indie Scenesters and Young Alts, making her attractive to the viewer, giving them something to relate to. Her passion for music and fashion makes her like a regular teenage who fits into these tribes, meaning that she will be more liked than if she was of an opposing tribe, meaning she will be a successful artist and a well-liked singer. 


  1. What is it about Rosa Leigh (as the artist) that your audience would find appealing. You need to make that link clear, it's not enough to just explain the link via Youth Lagoon.
